
Jaroslav Pospíšil
2020|Original collection of poems, sheet, frame|7.5×15cm / 58P

"The author's collection of poems brings personal reflections on poems designed to respond to the fundamental details of human life. Hummingbird Edition." -from the book blurb

This is a pocket book (7.5 x 7.5cm) bought in a Prague bookstore and translated by google into a collection of poems of the same name, "I'm Sitting in a Rocking Chair", with a new name, BLUE BUTTON, as the typesetter. This zine is a funny and inaccurate zine, based on Google's translation of the text in the translated text layout shown in the photos of the book irradiated by the translation camera, together with the personal notes of Kazuko Mitsunari, which are the answers obtained by calling the camera from different angles, as well as the blank anonymous notes in case of blurring of the columns on the page.

The poems will look completely different after many translations, as if reading another text, as if looking at the labels of various instantly translated texts, not knowing the original meaning, but letting the translators try to approach it, a process close to imagination.


曾在 2020  9/13 (sun)
小誌/獨立刊物市集Not Big Issue "愉悅的祭品" 販售


原著:《Sedím v houpací židli》
作者:Jaroslav Pospíšil 
發行語言:捷克語版 Lyra Pragensis(92.)