Cat's Castle Without Walls
Cat's Castle Without Walls
2023|Mp3, record cover, lyric|1:53
From an invitation by Fan and Kenneth, there's an online exhibition where a fictional online box is sent back and forth. As artists, our role seems to be placing our works (or used to be) inside this box. Everything has this peculiar premise (perhaps I'm the only one concerned about this setup), which seems a bit contrary to the usual exhibitions. You already know its final form, and perhaps even the format of the offline exhibition. Your only task is to produce its content or, in other words, seek content for it.
In a fictional "box," I contemplate what kind of artworks should be exhibited—unseen yet real. This reminds me of Schrödinger's cat, existing in a hypothetical space, simultaneously alive and dead. It prompts me to consider showcasing a relationship between past experiences and imagination: I, like the cat, am nurtured within the confines of the internet, where imagined things are not always untrue.
Special thanks: Lulu
Special thanks: Lulu
