About dirty (mistake) lemon yellow

About dirty (mistake) lemon yellow
2021|Installation lamps, drawing, images, projection, words, notebooks, canvases, stands, etc.|Dimension variable|Zone Art

Old Page


Sketch Table
2021|Paper and glass|28.2×20.3cm, 14.1×20.3cm


< 初次見面 >
First encounter
2021|石膏 ​Plaster|10×21×5cm*2

< 形態是對的,顏色是錯的 >
The disposition is right, the colour is wrong
2021|Photographic print|13.5×9cm

< Flower >
2021|燈具、濾片 Exhibition lights, filters|30×30×17.5cm

< 一張背光的照片,一張過曝的照片 >
A photo in shadow,a photo overexposed
2021| Canson printing paper|10.2× 15.2cm*2

< 陰影 >
Shadow(閃光 Spot light、89°)
2021|Cloth, frame​70×60cm

< 快門線 > 
Shutter cable
2021|投影 Project two images
Dimension Variable

You can only get the one where you pressed the shutter button, not the one where you let go of the shutter button.


< 交換木紋 >
Woodgrain switch
2021|木心板 Wooden board|58×42cm*2

< 向S借來的作品 >
Works from Steed
2021|Photographic print, frame|58×42cm*2


2021|Long Folding Paper|Dimension Variable


< 向S借來的作品 >
Works from Steed
2021|Photographic print, frame|50×40cm

First encounter
2021|紙本、柚木框 Paper, teak frame|23.5×34.5cm


< 關於髒掉的檸檬黃色 >
About dirty (mistake) lemon yellow
2021|紙本、山毛櫸框 Paper, beech frame|40.3×47.4cm

< 一張背光的照片,一張過曝的照片 >
A photo in shadow, a photo overexposed
2021|紙本、胡桃木框 Paper, walnut frame|40.3×47.4cm

< 半天,一整天,兩天,兩天半,三天,五天,一週 >
< 一天,一天,一天,半週,一週 >
2021|Cutting Sheel, two lines of text|Dimension Variable
(It is placed on a table stand in the exhibition hall and rolled up so that it can be opened by the audience.)

Exhibition table with booklet artwork, autograph book, exhibition presentation, floor plan.




2021|紙本印刷 Printing on paper,9×13cm / 18P / 左翻 / 黑白膠裝|初版 _/50,加印 _ /20




For the first time, he realised what he wanted to do for his work. The thoughts jumping from one single point to another have finally gathered to form a net. For the spring that came after the nearly-forgotten past winter, he saw it as winter. Since all that you can see with your eyes exist chromatic aberration, you may fail to describe objects. When speaking, you think about other things that have not yet fallen and can only fall into the hands of time. Pigments and possible pigments are found and placed where there seems bright, and in those possible light parts, you can grasp the shape but not the colour. I interact with a potential person in time, harvesting his possible everyday, doing three things as one, which becomes this exhibition.

This is something else a painter does